2013 is over? Wait, what? / by Josh Trudell

Thinking about 2013: As the wise philosophers Calvin and Hobbes once said, “The days were just packed!” Or you could go with Inigo Montoya: “Let me esplain. No, is too much. Let me sum up.”

The summary: It rocked.

One of my photos ended up on a baseball card. (And I met baseball legend Nolan Ryan).

I was a finalist in the 2013 Texas Parks and Wildlife photo competition.

I crossed off one of my bucket list photo trips with the Arizona and Utah expedition.

From that, I put together my first gallery photo show, reception and all.

The Red Sox won the World Series.

I got to visit Italy, including standing on the floor of the Colosseum and hiking the Amalfi Coast.

I read a lot of good books, saw some good movies, and kept walking around this earth, seeing cool things.

Through it all, I can’t emphasize enough how thankful I am for the people who encourage my photography. There’s a long list, but it starts with Superwife Tapley, bearer of good cheer and planner of fabulous trips.

Thanks to everyone who has taken a minute to take a look at one of my photos. Your appreciation – in any form, be it likes, buys, clicks or comments - is a constant reminder to be thankful.

Let’s go see what 2014 has to offer.